Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Alright I'll post something

I still need to put in my ten minutes of writing today anyway. Not sure if this fits in with this blog though.

I've just been thinking about how my writing is too spread out. What I mean is, I have work on a flash drive, on my office computer, on my home computer, on my laptop... It's not working for me. I need to consolidate. I'd like to be revising a certain story right now but it's saved on my desktop at home (I'm on my lunchbreak at work). And I think I might also have a copy on my crappy laptop, also at home. I'm not sure which version is more up to date, and that's annoying.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Confused Mind

Just thought this was amusing. It's clickable, to make it bigger. Someone else post something, I feel like a big dork.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I know what I SHOULD be doing...

The Final Solution -- not the one by Chabon, or the horrible atrocity.

This is just an opener, but this is where I go to get my juices flowing. All the genre, you know, when I'm supposed to be writing about "real" people and instead I'm writing about mutants or elves. All the cliche things that make a good character into a cookie-cutter one, I can do here. This particular board is set in the X-men movieverse, but don't knock it before you try it. Or read it, or whatever. I almost feel like it gives me a writer's community, too, only the comments they leave are in character.

edit: Oh, I forgot to mention, my character is Emanuele Clare.